We know that stock-standard diesel vehicles can leave much to be desired; the ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach taken by modern vehicle manufacturers means that your diesel engine has the potential for more power, torque, and engine efficiency!
The good news is that sometimes, only the simplest of modifications are required to tap into that power. Do you want to know how to get the most from your engine? Read more to find out!
How to Get the Most from Your Engine: ECU Remapping
ECU remapping is becoming more and more popular amongst diesel drivers. An ECU, or engine control unit, is the brains of your car. It is responsible for performance elements like fuel consumption, air to fuel ratio, and even how much torque your diesel puts out. Remapping your ECU can provide numerous benefits, depending on what you are hoping to achieve:
- Improve throttle responsiveness.
- Decrease turbo lag.
- Increase the amount of available torque.
- Increase horsepower.
- Improve engine efficiency.
- Improve towing power.
- Create a more enjoyable driving experience.
ECU remapping is a popular choice for diesel owners that do not want to modify their cars too drastically. This option does not change any of the physical components of your vehicle – instead, you simply refine your engine to better suit your needs!
How to Get the Most from Your Engine: Dyno Tuning
Dyno tuning is different from ECU remapping but the two should usually go hand in hand for this process to be completed properly, your vehicle is backed onto a machine called a “dyno” or dynameter to read vehicle data as the vehicle is getting ECU remapped. When getting your vehicle tuned on the dynamometer, we follow this procedure:
- We connect your vehicle to our test equipment which reads:
- Air fuel ratio
- Boost pressure
- Tacho speed & RPM
- & Much more
2. Your vehicle is run on our dyno. This tool simulates various road conditions so our technicians can do a readout of your vehicle’s performance prior to tuning, allowing for a comparison of the before and after results.
3. Our technicians will adjust and change various components of your vehicle to allow for optimal performance.
4. Your vehicle is run on the dyno again giving us an after-tune readout to compare results to.
This testing ensures that any issues found in your engine are dealt with, as well as that your engine performs optimally and according to what you want after being tuned on the dyno. However, unlike ECU remapping, without modifying other parts of your vehicle or engine, you may only see minimal gains after having your car tuned on the dyno.
How to Get the Most from Your Engine: Performance Upgrade Packages
One of the best ways to utilise the untapped potential in your engine is with a performance upgrade package. This takes a holistic approach to enhance your vehicle’s engine and utilises all available tools to do so. Additionally, you may upgrade your vehicle’s exhaust and clutch systems, turbo and injectors, or even your airbox and intercooler, which is often recommended to see the greatest improvement in gains for torque and power. Some of these components may be recommended to improve the reliability and safety of your vehicle.
There are various performance packages to choose from at Just Autos. We tailor our performance upgrade packages to suit your needs!
Get the Most from Your Engine with Just Autos
Just Autos is a leading diesel performance workshop in Queensland. Our professionals are trained and qualified to provide you with sound advice and service and can help you realise the potential hidden in your diesel engine. Contact us today or book your car in to get started!